Laser produced high Field sciences (LF) Group | Osaka University Institute of Laser Engineering





Participation of APS-DPP2018

Dr. Arikawa and Mr. Law participated in the 60th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics, held in Portland, Oregon. They gave presentations in oral and poster respectively.
Portland is famous for its coffee and beer. Portland’s coffee definitely did a good job in the coffee break. In this meeting even students from U.K. and China participated, besides American researchers and Japanese researchers in U.S. This made the meeting so international!

List of presentations:
Y. Arikawa et al., “Diagnosing ‘super-ponderomotive’ electron energy distribution with electron-positron pair production at LFEX”(Oral)
K.F.F. Law et al., “Laser-driven magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration by snail-shaped target irradiation”(Poster)

Venue of APS-DPP 2018: Oregon Conventional Center.
Mr. Law’s poster presentation.