Courses after graduation | Laser produced high Field sciences (LF) Group

Courses after graduation

  • 2024: Advance to Doctor course (3 Mc. students)
  • 2023: Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University (1 Dc. student), CANON (1 Mc. student)
  • 2022: Mitsubishi Electric (1 Mc. student), Advance to Doctor course
  • 2021: School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University (1 PDF), Private Sector in China (1 PDF), Zoomlion Heavy Industry Science&Technology Development Co., Ltd. (1 Mc. student)
  • 2020: Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University (1 PDF), National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (1 Dc.student), Fujitsu Defense Systems Engineering Limited (1 Mc. student), Advance to Doctor course (1 Mc. student)
  • 2019: Wintech Automation. Co. Ltd,. (1 Dc. student), Graduate School of Astronomy, University of Tokyo (1 Dc. student), University of California San Diego (1 Dc. student)
  • 2018: Waseda University (1 PDF), Hitachi LTD. (1 Mc. student), Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (1 Research student), Advance to master course (1 Research student)
  • 2017: Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University (1 Dc. student), Advance to doctor course (1 Mc. student), DAIKIN Industries LTD. (1 Mc. student), JAPAN TOBACCO INC. (1 Mc. student)
  • 2016: Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (1 Dc. student), Advance to doctor course (1 Mc. student)
  • 2015: Advance to doctor course (1 Mc. student)
  • 2014: Osaka Gas company (1 Mc. student), Advance to doctor course (1 Mc. student)
  • 2013: Advance to doctor course (2 Mc. students)